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Quote from Niles in The Gift Horse

Martin: When I saw Agides today, it was kinda of a shock to see how old he's gotten and I just, it made me realize how old I've gotten.
Frasier: Dad, you still have a lot of-
Martin: Now, come on.
Frasier: Sorry, sorry.
Martin: Look, it's not a problem you can solve, Frasier. It's just a fact of life. People get old.
Niles: Well, I guess this horse wasn't quite the banner gift I thought it would be.
Martin: Oh, yes, it was, Niles. I'm feeling a little bit sorry for myself right now, but I'll get over that. But I love this
horse. It's the greatest present I've ever gotten.
Niles: Well, I'm glad, Dad. But, you know, I think I may have misled you. The horse is from me and from Frasier.
Martin: Oh, Jeez, I'm sorry. Thanks a lot, Fras.
Frasier: Well, actually, it was mostly Niles's idea.
Martin: Well, then, thanks to both of you.

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