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Quote from Frasier in Roz's Turn

Roz: Fire Bebe.
Frasier: Will that- Well- How many things? Isn't there something else you'd like?
Roz: The only thing I wanted was that job, and she took it away. I'm not just suggesting this for my sake. I'm suggesting it for yours. She is your representative. When she goes out into the world lying and twisting your words and stabbing people in the back, it reflects badly on you.
Frasier: You're right, Roz. How can I consider myself an ethical person when I have the Princess of Darkness conducting my business for me? Well, that's it. I'm going to have to fire that conniving harpy.
Roz: I'm very proud of you.
Frasier: I'm ashamed to think how long I've turned a blind eye on her unscrupulous behavior. And what for? A 20% pay increase, six-week paid vacation, an expense account, a travel allowance...
Roz: Frasier?
Frasier: Well, not anymore.

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