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Quote from Niles in Seat of Power

Niles: You have the big Mercedes?
Danny: Oh, yeah. And I gotta tell you, my 13 year-old's already got his eye on it. That's a great kid right there. Except he got in a fight at school the other day.
[Danny bends down and puts his head in the toilet]
Niles: Oh, really? [reaches to flush the toilet] With some small-boned child with superior language skills?
Danny: Nah. [Danny looks up] It was some big jerk on the football team who tried to steal his lunch money.
Niles: Ah, well, there's nothing like a bully.
Danny: Well, I gotta tell you, I'd rather he'd be a bully than one of those wussy kids that always get picked on. You know the kind I'm talking about? Kids who are too gutless to fight back?
Niles: So, you admire someone who fights back, do you?
[Niles raises his foot close to Danny's head, but he pulls it back when Danny looks up]
Danny: Well, sure. I mean, if you don't fight back, what are you? You're a wuss, you're a wimp, you're a-
[Frasier enters. He stops Niles from grabbing for Danny's head.]
Frasier: Stop! Niles, leave the man alone while he's trying to work.

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