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Quote from Frasier in Seat of Power

Roz: We have Elliot, on line three.
Frasier: Hello, Elliot. I'm listening.
Elliot: "Well, you see Dr. Crane, I have a problem. I'm a salesman..."
Frasier: Ah, a salesman? How old are you?
Elliot: "Forty-three."
Frasier: Forty-three?
Elliot: "Yes."
Frasier: Now, tell. Let's be truthful.
Elliot: "I'm forty-three."
Frasier: Now, Elliot, we were not born yesterday. Clearly you are just an adolescent, trying to prove to your little friends how clever you are by getting on the radio. But you know what you are really doing, you're taking time away from people with real problems.
Elliot: "Hey, I'm forty-three. My problem is I have a very young-sounding voice that people make fun of all the time!"
Frasier: Oh, I'm so sorry, Elliot, that was very insensitive of me.
Elliot: "Hah! Gotcha, Dr. Doofus!" [a gaggle of children laugh]
Frasier: Yes, indeed you did "get us," Elliot, but we are not so stuffy here on this program that we can't laugh at ourselves from time to time. [off-air] Roz, can't you keep these pimply-faced little maggots off the air?!

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