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Quote from Martin in Here's Looking at You

Aunt Patrice: D'goo y'goo sp'geak g-sp'geak?
Niles: Oh Lord, I was afraid of this.
Martin: What?
Aunt Patrice: [slower] D'goo y'goo sp'geak g-sp'geak?
Martin: Niles, I think she's having a stroke or something.
Niles: No, no Dad. It's just G-speak.
Martin: Come again?
Niles: It's something Maris and Aunt Patrice love to try out at parties.
Aunt Patrice: Yes, you see, you just put a "g" in every syllable. So you would be, "M'garg-tin Cr'gane." Just say it with me, come on... M'garg-tin-
Niles: I don't think Dad's interested.
Aunt Patrice: Oh, b'ge ag sp'gort, Gniles.
Frasier: What did she say?
Niles: She said, "Be a sport, Niles."
Aunt Patrice: B'ge, agus, gesport, geda!
Frasier: Dad, do you still have your billy club?
Martin: It's in my top drawer.

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