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Season 8, Episode 12 - Aired January 12, 2004

Debra and Ray get unexpected help around the house from Ally.

Quote from Frank

Debra: Marie, look. We are doing this because this is what Ally wants.
Ray: What Ally wants!
Debra: Ever since we let her take on more responsibility, she's blossomed.
Ray: Like a chrysanthemum.
Debra: She's more confident, she's independent, and she's happy. And isn't that what we all want? For Ally to be happy?
Marie: I guess.
Debra: So, sweetie, do you like babysitting? Does it make you happy?
Ally: Yeah.
Frank: But not for free. Ally, you're killing me here. Look at the napkin. I was working our way up to pony.


Quote from Frank

Ray: Just stop it, Dad, okay? Ally is happy, and that's all we care about - making Ally happy.
Ally: Really?
Debra: Yes, of course, honey.
Ally: Oh... Because Molly invited me over tonight, and I kind of wanted to go, but I told her I couldn't because I was babysitting.
Debra: Well, honey, you should do what makes you happy.
Ally: So I can go to Molly's?
Ray: Well, what about the movies?
Debra: Sure, honey, you can go to Molly's. Right, Daddy?
Ray: Well, uh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. We only care about your happiness.
Ally: Great. Oh, and were you serious about the money? 'Cause I did do a lot of laundry.
Ray: Oh. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, sure. Okay. Oh. I only got a 20.
Frank: That's good.
Ray: Wait.
Frank: Here you go, honey.
Ally: Thank you, Grandpa!

Quote from Marie

Ray: Well, can we still go to the movies?
Debra: Okay, Marie, you win. You can babysit.
Marie: Oh, I'd love to. But I can't. See, I'm entertaining my dear friends Lee and Stan. Come on, Frank.
Ray: Well well, wait a minute, Dad, what about you?
Frank: Oh, you can't afford me.
Robert: If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see a movie with Amy and then have no children.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey. Whoa. You're home early.
Debra: Did you have fun at Molly's?
Ally: Yeah. How are things here? Any problem with the twins?
Debra: No. They were great.
Ally: What time did they go down?
Debra: About a half an hour ago.
Ally: That's pretty late. What, did you let them have chocolate or something?
Debra: No.
Ray: Yeah, I did. [Ally goes upstairs] I think she smelled the beer on my breath.

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