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Robert's Date

‘Robert's Date’

Season 3, Episode 15 - Aired February 1, 1999

Robert's partner, Judy (guest star Sherri Shepherd), invites him out with her and her friends.

Quote from Ray

Sergeant Judy: I like your brother a lot.
Ray: Hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, biscuits. One, two, three, four, five. Five biscuits.
Sergeant Judy: We get along great and he's a great partner, but since we've been spending so much time together, I've been feeling... [off Ray's look] What's with you?
Ray: No, nothing, I'm just thinking that... Robert! All right, listen, I think... I think Robert just wants to be your friend.
Sergeant Judy: He doesn't want to be my partner anymore?
Ray: What? No! No, no, he loves that. He loves being your partner. He just doesn't want to be your boyfriend.
Sergeant Judy: Boyfriend?!
Ray: Yeah.
Sergeant Judy: [laughs] Boyfriend!
Ray: You're taking it very well.


Quote from Ray

Sergeant Judy: Boyfriend? Where did you get that idea?
Ray: From him.
Sergeant Judy: And where did he get it from?
Ray: From you. You wanted to be alone, you wanted to have a romantic evening and that's why I'm here.
Sergeant Judy: Oh, hey, I'm definitely not into that. Listen, I just wanted to be alone with Robert to tell him... See, he's been hanging out with me and my friends a lot and it's getting to where he's acting... He's getting to be a little bit too...
Ray: Ethnic?
Sergeant Judy: Yes! He's trippin'.
Ray: Yes! Yes! What's up with that? I mean, gosh!
Sergeant Judy: It's getting weird with my friends. I want to tell him to chill, but he's so sensitive! He'll get all mopey.
Ray: What mopey? He used to take medication just to get up to mopey.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Listen, how long have you and Judy been partners?
Robert: I don't know, six years.
Ray: For six years you drive around, all you talk about is cop stuff?
Robert: No, we talk about everything.
Ray: Right, right, and that guy who talks about everything, that's her friend. Not some cop, you! Just you. You were doing fine with her until you thought you had to...
Robert: I guess that's true.
Ray: I speak the truth, homeslice.

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