Ray Quote #1170

Quote from Ray in Frank Paints the House

Ray: Listen, Dad, I got to tell you. It's not only Debra, okay? I want Chantilly Lace too. Dad, do you hear what I'm saying?! Don't paint my house yellow. Dad! Don't you open that paint can! Dad, you're not listening to me. [Frank sniffs the paint] Dad, don't you stir that paint. If you stir that paint- Okay, you're just going to have to return stirred paint now. And now that the can's open, you're going to have to pay for it, okay? 'Cause I'm sure as hell not paying for no Lemon Meringue. You hear me? I'm- Oh no, you don't! Don't you go near that! You hear me, Dad?! Don't you- Don't you dip that brush! You do not dip that brush. I'm warning you. Dad, don't- Oh, Dad, if I see paint on that brush, Okay, that's yellow. That's yellow. Dad, don't you paint my house yellow! Do you hear me, Dad?! Dad, I'm warning you! Okay, all right. That's it.
Frank: Hey!
Ray: That's it, go home.
Frank: Excuse me?!
Ray: Look, if you're not going to do what I want, then go home.
Frank: You don't tell me what to do.
Ray: I do when it's my house! And it's my house and I'm the boss, okay? So you're fired.


 ‘Frank Paints the House’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Ray: How are you right? How are you right?! It's my house and you wanted to paint it yellow! How is that right?
Frank: Because yellow covers better! It won't fade as fast! And you got white houses on either side of you! It makes your house pop a little! And it goes with your trim and the frigging little daisies you got!
Ray: Well, why didn't you just say that?
Frank: I shouldn't have to say it!
Ray: What?
Frank: Because if I say it's yellow, that should be good enough for you! I shouldn't have to explain everything! I'm right!
Ray: Okay, you're right, but it's not always about being right.
Frank: Yes, it is! Being right is all that matters. Everything else is crap! "Oh, you have to consider people's feelings." "Oh, what if they don't like you?" They should like me because I did the job right!

Quote from Marie

Marie: Well, you two always talk about having your house painted so, I put your father on the job.
Debra: But, Marie, we were going to hire professionals.
Marie: Oh, but Frank is very good. He did a nice job on our house. And he likes the fumes.
Debra: Well, yes, he did do a nice job on your house and I would hate to kill anyone's buzz, but...
Ray: Yeah, but we were kind of thinking that we would be the ones to make that decision, 'cause it is kind of our house.
Marie: Yes, but we're the ones who have to look at it.
Ray: All right, I'm going to use this french toast to lure him off the ladder.
Marie: Okay, okay, okay. Just let your father do this. I need him out of my house. Ever since he's retired, he's around all the time.
Debra: Yeah, but that's what happens when you retire.
Marie: I know, but I never thought he'd live this long.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Something hit the wall.
Ray: [opens curtains; screams]
Frank: Jeez, you scared the crap out of me!
Ray: What the- What the hell are you doing?!
Frank: I'm painting your house. What's it look like?
Ray: Looks like we have the world's ugliest shutters.