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Quote from Ray in Frank Paints the House

Ray: Listen, Dad, I got to tell you. It's not only Debra, okay? I want Chantilly Lace too. Dad, do you hear what I'm saying?! Don't paint my house yellow. Dad! Don't you open that paint can! Dad, you're not listening to me. [Frank sniffs the paint] Dad, don't you stir that paint. If you stir that paint- Okay, you're just going to have to return stirred paint now. And now that the can's open, you're going to have to pay for it, okay? 'Cause I'm sure as hell not paying for no Lemon Meringue. You hear me? I'm- Oh no, you don't! Don't you go near that! You hear me, Dad?! Don't you- Don't you dip that brush! You do not dip that brush. I'm warning you. Dad, don't- Oh, Dad, if I see paint on that brush, Okay, that's yellow. That's yellow. Dad, don't you paint my house yellow! Do you hear me, Dad?! Dad, I'm warning you! Okay, all right. That's it.
Frank: Hey!
Ray: That's it, go home.
Frank: Excuse me?!
Ray: Look, if you're not going to do what I want, then go home.
Frank: You don't tell me what to do.
Ray: I do when it's my house! And it's my house and I'm the boss, okay? So you're fired.

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