Frank Quote #823

Quote from Frank in Blabbermouths

Marie: Good. And I'm glad that you could admit that. And you should all know better than to engage in idle gossip.
Ray: Oh, what are you talking about? You're the one who blabbed about Choo-Choo Chulesky.
Marie: I do not blab! What I do comes from love! And if you wanna know the truth, Debra is the worst gossip of us all!
Debra: Me?!
Marie: You're the one who once told me Frank came to bed with a toupee on for you.
Ray: What?!
Frank: This is an outrage, Marie! That was a hat I found on the street.


 ‘Blabbermouths’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Robert: What's up with you?
Frank: You guys have got to get your wives out of my house. They're over there looking at furniture catalogs. I told Marie, "At your age, you shouldn't be looking at any furniture, unless it has a lid."

Quote from Robert

Ray: Still, you think somebody's a hateful jerk-face, you've got to tell 'em. I have feelings too.
Robert: Hateful jerk-face. Feel better?
Ray: You see? You made me a hateful jerk-face.
Debra: You know, Amy, Ray's right. How am I supposed to know I upset you if you don't say anything to me? I mean, come on, I'm supposed to be your best friend!
Robert: What about me? I'm supposed to be her husband! I'm your husband! Don't you know, after all these years, to tell me immediately when Raymond screws up? You page me at work!

Quote from Frank

Frank: Ah, they all got their secrets. You wanna know a good one about your mother?
Ray: No, no, no. We got the game.
Robert: Don't need to hear it.
Frank: You know your mother's famous homemade marinara sauce? On more than one occasion... store-bought.
Ray: No! No! No way!
Frank: Yes. When she's in a rush, out of the jar, my friends.
Robert: This is huge!
Ray: Well! So, it's "homemade" if you live in aisle six at Waldbaum's.