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I Love You

‘I Love You’

Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired September 20, 1996

Debra wonders why Ray never says "I love you".

Quote from Ray

Debra: Maybe you just. You didn't understand what I meant.
Ray: oh, you still want the talking. Look, this is better than talking. This is writing.
Debra: You couldn't even sign it, "Love, Ray." You signed it, "Okay? Ray."
Ray: Look, you know me. You know this all me makes me uncomfortable. When I say, "I love you," it doesn't sound natural. It's like some bad movie. Somebody's gonna laugh at me.
Debra: What do you mean, laugh?
Ray: Somebody's gonna laugh at me saying that stuff.
Debra: Stuff?
Ally: You love me, Daddy?
Ray: Oh, yes, of course I love you. I love all you guys. And Mommy, huh? What a Mommy. Let's hear it for Mommy. Raise your hand for... Yay.


Quote from Ray

Ray: Look, I'm sorry. I'm just not good at saying that stuff aloud. That's the way I am. That's the way my parents were.
Debra: Okay, but you know, maybe there was something wrong with that. I mean, come on, you wanna pass this trait on to your kids?
Ray: No.
Debra: Ray, I love you.
Ray: And I you.
Debra: Oh!
Ray: Come on! Come on. It's all here in the card. Debra!
Ally: Stella!

Quote from Marie

Marie: When we first were married I said it all the time.
Frank: Name one time.
Marie: All the time.
Frank: When? When did you say it?
Marie: I said it all the time! I happen to be a very loving, caring woman. You know that, Raymond. But, I mean, after years and years of giving and sharing and getting nothing in return, one tends to...
Frank: You said it one time in Albany.
Marie: Oh, shut up.
Frank: One time!
Marie: Shut up!
Frank: The night you had the rum candy.
Marie: Shut up, Frank! You see what I have to put up with?

Quote from Ray

Marie: Okay, we're leaving now.
Ray: Okay, thanks. Thanks, Dad.
Frank: The shower's fixed and there's just one thing I want you to know.
Ray: What?
Marie: Well, we've been talking and... You go ahead, Frank.
Frank: I love you.
Marie: I love you! [sobs]
Ray: Oh, God! Mom, no!
Marie: I love you, Debra.
Ray: You can stop, Ma. Ma, you're scaring them. Go. Save the children. All right. Okay. It's okay.

Quote from Ray

Marie: Oh, Robbie, sweetheart. I love you. I'm so sorry.
Robert: Sorry for what?
Marie: For never saying it. But from now, I'm gonna say it to you all the time, all of you. Even Frank. I love you.
Ray: Isn't this the part of the movie where she's supposed to get shot by the real her?
Marie: Well, we're here for such a short while. Your family should know how you feel.
Ray: I'm feeling it's not that short a while.
Frank: Ah, to tell you the truth, I felt kind of embarrassed at first, too. But now...
Ray: Oh, God. Oh...
Frank: [hugs Ray] I love you, son.
Ray: All right. Thanks, Dad. Me, too. I'll be over here. What?
Robert: Well, you're my brother. I love you, Raymond.
Marie: Oh, isn't that nice?

Quote from Frank

Frank: This love stuff, we never mention it again.
Robert: It never happened.

Quote from Ray

Ray: [kisses Debra] I love you.
Debra: [laughs]
Ray: Oh, beautiful.
Debra: I'm sorry, honey! I didn't mean-
Ray: That's all. Cards. Only cards from now on. Yeah, your "I love you" is going to come from Disney.

Quote from Frank

Ray: Dad, I just wanted to know.
Frank: This is real life, Raymond. People don't just go around saying that.
Ray: Yes, they do, Dad.
Frank: Name one. Name one person.
Ray: Debra.
Frank: That's an act.
Ray: It's not an act, Dad. She means it.
Frank: All right, come on. Maybe Debra. But she's nice. Why are you asking me these things?
Ray: I just wanna know, that's all. Do you ever say it to Mom?
Frank: You're getting kind of personal now.
Ray: Dad, you're my father.
Frank: Your mother and I know how we feel. That's our business.

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