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Fun with Debra

‘Fun with Debra’

Season 8, Episode 1 - Aired September 22, 2003

Debra thinks she and Ray should spend more time together, so she joins him on the golf course.

Quote from Debra

Debra: Wow! Did you see how far that went? It landed on the smooth part! Ray?
Ray: What?
Debra: You weren't watching?
Ray: I was-- I was adjusting my visor.
Debra: You know, I watch all your shots. Would it kill you to watch mine?
Ray: I'm sorry. You should have said something.
Debra: I did. I said, "Here I go."
Ray: You did?
Debra: Yes. You don't listen to me at home, so why should you listen to me on the golf course? Zing-zing.


Quote from Ray

Ray: Can you back up a couple feet?
Debra: What's the problem?
Ray: Your shadow is in my way.
Debra: What?
Ray: It's- It's right in front of the hole.
Debra: And my shadow's going to stop your ball?
Ray: No, it's- It's just- Look, could you just back up a couple steps? Damn it!
Debra: The ball barely even made it to where my shadow was.
Ray: Because you got me all nuts!

Quote from Ray

Ray: Can't even make a frickin' putt!
Debra: I don't think it's your putter's fault, Ray.
Ray: You're right. It's not the putter.
Debra: What?
Ray: It's you.
Debra: Excuse me?
Ray: You know, when we started today, you were all, "Oh, you're great, Ray. You're like a pro, Ray."
Debra: Yeah, well, you're not exactly the same guy I teed off with either. You went from hugging and kissing me to not wanting to have anything to do with me or my shadow.
Ray: I stopped hugging you when you started yelling, "l need my space." What happened to all the boyfriend-girlfriend crap?
Debra: Boyfriends are supposed to pay attention to their girlfriends.
Ray: Yeah? Well, we're married now.

Quote from Ray

Debra: You're still supposed to want to be with me. You're still supposed to listen to me.
Ray: Oh, God. Look, I'm sorry that I missed your shot.
Debra: It's not about the shot!
Ray: Well, then why'd you bring it up, huh? Golfing, we're supposed to have fun here! And you know what? I always do have fun when I come here. But not today. Hmm, I wonder what's different about today.
Debra: What's different about today is that I made a big effort to do something you love so we could be together.
Ray: That's not why you did it.
Debra: Yes, it is!
Ray: No, I think you did it so it would ruin what I love so I don't love it anymore.
Debra: What?!
Ray: Yes, that's right! Right. So all I would want to do is stay home and listen to you all day. And then when you sleep, I should take out a pad and sketch you!

Quote from Debra

Debra: How dare you say I came here to ruin golf for you!
Ray: Well then, why'd you come?!
Debra: Forget it, Ray. It's obvious that you don't even want me here.
Ray: Well, maybe I don't. Maybe I need my space too!
Debra: You're right, Ray. You're right. But, you know, maybe it would help your argument if we were even a little bit connected at home. But it doesn't happen there either. Maybe I do want what Amy and Robert have. Maybe I do want what we had. But I shouldn't have come here. Sorry. I'm sorry.

Quote from Ray

Ray: I'm sorry. I'm gonna I'm gonna work on all those things that you were talking about. I wanna have fun with you too. I like being with you. I just- You know, I guess it's it's easy to forget after you've been married for 12 years.
Debra: 13.
Ray: I guess it just feels like 12 because we have so much fun.

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