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Quote from Ray in Move Over

Ray: I just, I thought with everything that I did today, that you know, you might not need me to keep doing it at night.
Debra: That's why you were being so affectionate? You're trying to get all your affection out of the way so you could sleep untouched?!
Ray: I need my sleep 'cause I gotta do it all over again tomorrow.
Debra: Don't bother.
Ray: Well, I, uh... Well, I can't sleep like this either.
Debra: Did it ever occur to you that you could cuddle me?
Ray: Huh?
Debra: Why don't you hold me till I fall asleep and then you can sleep any way you want?
Ray: I could do that. How long do you think it's gonna take till you fall asleep?
Debra: It depends on how much my husband has aggravated me today.
Ray: Oh, so I guess just a few seconds.

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