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Quote from Frank in Frank Paints the House

Ray: Listen. I'm sorry about before. Okay, so come back over and we'll do it yellow. Yellow's okay. I talked Debra into it. Okay?
Frank: No.
Ray: What do you mean no?
Frank: I mean I'm not interested. I'm kind of busy right now.
Ray: Oh right, I see you got soup. And a puzzle. Well, it doesn't have to be right now. Whenever you feel like it. What, you're eating out of a pot 'cause you don't like to clean a bowl?
Frank: No, it's better this way.
Ray: Oh. Hey, that's a keen eye you got there. "The Death of General Stonewall Jackson". You like this one?
Frank: Very interesting figure in history. Considered the Confederacy's finest general. Shot by one of his own men.

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