Quote from Lois in Fighting In-Laws
Marie: Is everything all right, dear? Lois: Oh, he is just impossible. Marie: Go on. Debra: Mom? Are you- Marie: It's all right, dear. We're talking. Lois: I am so tired of my opinion counting for nothing! Everything has to be his way! I swear, ever since he retired, it's not like I'm his wife anymore, I'm his employee, and it's all I can do to keep from strangling him. Marie: I feel so close to you. Lois: Do you know he makes me iron his jeans? He insists that they have a crease. Marie: At least he can wear jeans. The last time I got a pair for Frank, it was from the maternity jeans. And I told him they were just stretchy. [Marie and Lois hug] Debra: Oh, my God.