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The Quote

Quote from Frank in The Mentor

Frank: Sammy boy, what have you been up to?
Sam: Well, actually, I'm finally going into business for myself, opening up my own office-supply store right here in Lynbrook. Maybe you've seen the signs. "The Office Supply Bin: Bin there, bought that."
Frank: Yeah, yeah, I know that sign. It's right next to the billboard with the bikini lady riding the beeper.
Sam: Yeah. So, anyway, since I was in the neighborhood, I just wanted to come by and thank you for being such an inspiration to me all those years ago. I owe a lot to you.
Frank: Don't mention it, kid. You like ham? Come on, strap on a feedbag.
Sam: Thanks, but no, I've got to get back to the store. We open in a week, and I've got a ton to do. But it would mean a lot to me if you'd come by and see the place sometime.
Frank: Well, yeah. Well, how about right now?
Sam: Really?
Robert: Dad, we're just about to sit down to eat.
Sam: I don't wanna take you away from your family.
Frank: Yeah, yeah. I'll go put on a nicer shirt.

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