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Quote from Ray in Sweet Charity

Ray: You know what Robert is? He's a competitive, selfish, little, tiny, pea-brained giant, and a hack!
Debra: What are you talking about?
Ray: He waited till there was an opening, then he snuck into the hospital to steal my thunder.
Debra: Why was Robert at the hospital?
Ray: To steal my thunder! He-he comes in there with his idiotic little Timmy doll and his lame jokes and his lips moving all around. "Oh, Raymond. What, are you here for your emergency nose reduction?"
Debra: Timmy said that to you? [laughs]
Ray: It's not funny. It's stupid. And they were all laughing at it, all of them the nurses, the patients like the funniest thing they ever heard. If that's what they want, they can have it. I'm not going back to that place. Saint Stupid Stupid Hospital for the Incurably Stupid.
Debra: So you're quitting?
Ray: Yes. Yeah, that's right. That's right. I quit.
Debra: Well, if you don't think you should go back, then you shouldn't go.
Ray: Well, I don't, so I won't! He doesn't even bother to dress the dummy up like a doctor or a nurse. He's such a hack!

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