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Quote from Ray in Say Uncle

Ray: Come on, kids, we're going to the zoo.
Ally: Where is Uncle Robert?
Ray: Um, Uncle Robert had to go do some police stuff, 'cause there was a kitten that got stuck in the tree and they need to climb up him to get it.
Ally: Can we go see Uncle Robert and the kitten?
Ray: No, no, no, no, 'cause you know why? 'Cause actually it's not a kitten, it's a snake.
Debra: Ray!
Ray: Yeah. Come on, guys, let's get dressed. Let's get dressed for the zoo, guys. Come on, come on, we're gonna go to the zoo and Daddy is gonna make his famous zoo snacks.
[Ray checks the fridge and pulls out a jar of pickles before putting it back. He goes over to the food cupboard and grabs a box]
Debra: That's your famous "zoo snack"?
Ray: "Animal crackers," put it together.

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