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Quote from Robert in The Garage Sale

Robert: Don't take your problems with Debra out on the sofa bed.
Ray: What are you talking about?
Robert: I know the situation. You know, the kid thing. You and Debra.
Ray: Where did you hear that?
Robert: It's all over the yard.
Ray: What?
Robert: Don't worry. What's said in the yard stays in the yard.
Ray: I don't get this. Why is everybody talking about this except me and Debra?
Robert: Well, we're all wondering about that, too. And let me just say this, okay? Debra has a point, Ray. It's a lot of work raising kids. There you are at the office then you come breezing home. "Look what I wrote! Where's my dinner?" How much help are you, really?
Ray: What do you know about it?
Robert: Oh, yeah, that's right, huh? What could I know? I'm just Robert. I don't have any kids. I'm a reproductive cul-de-sac.

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