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Quote from Robert in Marie's Meatballs

Robert: This is the box. This is where she keeps her stuff for when she, you know... [clicks tongue]
Debra: Oh, my God. It's recipes. Stuffed shells. Steak Pizzaiola.
Robert: Yeah, Ray loves the pizzaiola.
Debra: And Eggplant Parmesan. Meatballs.
Robert: There you go.
Debra: Okay. Let's see. Oh, no.
Robert: What?
Debra: It's exactly the same. This is exactly what she told me.
Robert: Well, that's good, isn't it?
Debra: Yeah, it's great. The only thing different is me.
Robert: Come on, Deb. You just need some practice, that's all. Hey, it took me a long time to get my keys to smell right.

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