Mr. Omar Quote #2

Quote from Mr. Omar in Everybody Hates Elections

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Mr. Omar had just moved into the house and had already made himself at home.
Rochelle: Who are you?
Mrs. Morales: Mrs. Morales. Can I help you?
Rochelle: Oh. Is Mr. Omar here?
Mrs. Morales: Hold on. Omar, alguien est a la puerta.
Mr. Omar: Oh, hello, Miss Rochelle.
Rochelle: Am I interrupting something?
Mr. Omar: Oh, no, I was just about to come to you. Do you have a face towel I could borrow
Mrs. Morales: [o.s.] Pregunta si tiene champú.
Mr. Omar: Oh, yeah. And some shampoo, too.
Rochelle: Uh, I'll check. I just wanted to say we don't have many rules for our tenants, but my husband works at night and he sleeps during the day. So if you can keep the music down a little bit we'll really appreciate that.
Mr. Omar: Oh, no problem.
Rochelle: Thank you.
Mr. Omar: Uh-huh. Oh, don't forget the face towel and the shampoo.


 ‘Everybody Hates Elections’ Quotes

Quote from Julius

Rochelle: I went to the beauty parlor and found out I lost $10. And Vanessa, my so-called friend, would only curl half my hair. Did you see my money laying around here somewhere?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Here's how that sounded to my father.
Rochelle: I went to the beauty parlor and discovered that I lost my $10. [garbled babbling] Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa.
Julius: You lost $10? That's $10 worth of dollars.

Quote from Mr. Omar

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After trying to find a tenant to help my father make ends meet, my mother thought she had found the perfect person, our neighborhood funeral director, Mr. Omar.
Rochelle: Oh, hello, Mr. Omar.
Mr. Omar: Oh, hello, Miss Rochelle.
Rochelle: Is this Mrs. Omar?
Mr. Omar: No, this is Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson: Mr. Omar and I are just friends.
Mr. Omar: Yeah, her husband recently passed and she's in mourning.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sure, she is.
Rochelle: Was it sudden?
Mr. Omar: Oh, yeah, yeah. He got stabbed on the subway. Didn't see it coming. Tragic. Tragic!

Quote from Greg

Greg: What's the matter?
Chris: The speech. I've never given a speech before. I don't know if I can do this. I don't want to get up there and put people to sleep.
Greg: There's no reason to be nervous. I've been working on some bullet points and I guarantee you nobody's going to sleep through this.
Chris: "The geopolitical infrastructure of Corleone"? "Trading arms for hostages"? "Postwar Grenada"?!
Greg: Good, huh? I got more stuff, too, on Noriega and the fallacy of trickle-down economics.
Chris: Wait. "The fallacy of trickle-down economics"? Greg, this is the eighth grade.
Greg: Yeah, but it's trickling down to us.