Julius Quote #22
Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates Sausage
Rochelle: Okay, say the blessing, baby.
Julius: Where's the meat? [goes to the kitchen]
Rochelle: We don't have any.
Julius: [o.s.] Didn't you buy some pork chops?
Rochelle: No, that meat was too expensive.
Julius: [o.s.] I know we got some canned Spam or some Vienna sausage or bacon or beef jerky. Something. I mean, what kind of meal is that without meat? [returns]
Rochelle: It's a vegetarian meal.
Julius: Do I look like a vegetarian to you? I work 60 hours a week. I lift papers and boxes all night. I don't want vegetables. I need meat.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates Sausage’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father always worked two jobs, which made my mother so comfortable, she'd quit her job over anything.
[flashback to Rochelle as a waitress:]
Woman: Check, please?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And I mean anything.
Rochelle: Now, do I look like I have your check? All that hollering at people. I don't need this. My husband has two jobs. I don't need to be here right now.
[flashback to Rochelle as a receptionist:]
Man: Hold my calls.
Rochelle: Who are you hollering at? "Hold my calls." Hold your own damn call! I do not need this! My man has two jobs!
Quote from Rochelle
Julius: Baby, if she doesn't eat they could call child welfare on us.
Rochelle: Mm-mm, Julius, that little girl is testing me. And if I let her tell me what she will and won't eat; the next thing you know, she'll be telling me what she will and won't wear. Then, the next thing you know, she'll be telling me when she will and won't come home! And then the next thing you know, she's going to end up pregnant... And I ain't taking care of no babies.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother always thought anything that Tonya did wrong would eventually get her pregnant. And she ain't taking care of no babies.
Quote from Julius
Julius: What are you doing?
Drew: Practicing karate.
Julius: What are you going to do with karate?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father didn't see the reason of learning anything that didn't get you a job.