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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates My Man

Thurman: You, you're suspended from tomorrow's game.
Walter Dickerson: Coach, I'm not suiting up?
Thurman: Oh, sure, you can suit up. But do it at home. And after you suit up, I want you to write me an essay on the events leading up to World War II. And you.
Chris: I know, detention.
Thurman: Oh, no. Detention is way too easy. You turned your back on easy when you did his paper, Cool Breeze. So, Lincoln goes through all this trouble to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, frees your people from slavery, and what do you do? you run around doing other people's work for them. You're killing me. Et tu Kunta Kinte?
Chris: I'm sorry.
Thurman: No. I'm sorry. But I'm going to help you out. Maybe Lincoln couldn't get to you, but I can.
Chris: What are you going to do?
Thurman: [chuckles] Wouldn't you like to know?

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