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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates the Ninth-Grade Dance

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After getting talked about, put down, and hated like it was my first day at school, I figured I might as well get something out of going to that dance.
Carrie: What are you doing here?
Chris: I wanted to come to the dance, so I came.
Carrie: Yeah. Me, too.
Chris: I'm sorry for canceling on you.
Carrie: Yeah, well... you did what you had to do.
Chris: So, you want to dance?
Carrie: Why would I want to dance with you?
Chris: 'Cause it looks like it's either me or nobody else.
Carrie: Yes.
Chris: "Yes," what?
Carrie: I want to dance.
Chris: You look nice.
Carrie: Shut up. I'm still mad at you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Later that night, four guys still beat the crap out of me in the bathroom, but if I hadn't gone to my ninth grade dance, that never would have happened.

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