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Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates the Ninth-Grade Dance

Julius: I don't know what you're going to do about this, but I need that money back.
Ryan: Oh, I'm already ahead of you.
Julius: What, you put $400 in my wallet?
Ryan: Don't worry, bro. I got you.
Julius: Where'd you get that?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sold the car to a dolphin.
Ryan: From my new business, Ryan's Auto Parts. Drew was right. The car had water damage, but the parts were in pretty good shape. So I scrapped it and made 1,100 bucks.
Julius: $1,100?
Ryan: Here, Drew.
Drew: 50 bucks? Ah, cool!
Ryan: Hey, I'm going to head down to the auction and see if I can find another one. You in?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You insane?
Julius: You know, I think I'm gonna give my money a few days off work.
Drew: I'm in.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Drew's money took my father's money's job and made $150.

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