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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Earth Day

Rochelle: Her behavior? What about the other little girl's behavior? Why don't you have her mother come down here and tell her kid to shut up while my baby is trying to study?
Mrs. Wilson: That's neither here nor there.
Rochelle: Then please, where is it?
Mrs. Wilson: What I'd like to ask is do you know where Tonya got this language from?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother had two answers to that question. Answer A)
[fantasy: Rochelle is on Mrs. Wilson's desk:]
Rochelle: She got it from this knot I'm about to put upside your head.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And Answer B)
Rochelle: Well, I don't know, but it won't happen again. Have a nice day. Tonya, come on.
Tonya: I want to get transferred.
Rochelle: Girl, don't backtalk me right now. Now is not the time.

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