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Quote from Drew in Everybody Hates Gretzky

Drew: Do you know how to get to Long Island from here?
Old Man Willie: No, but I'll ask this gentleman here. Excuse me, sir? Would you happen to know the directions to Long Island?
Kevin Weekes: Yeah. You're gonna take that bus over there to the Seven Line.
Drew: Seven Line.
Kevin Weekes: And then you're gonna take that to Flushing...
Chris: Flushing, stupid!
Kevin Weekes: ...and you're gonna take the Long Island Railroad to Westbury.
Both: Westbury.
Drew: Thank you, sir.
Kevin Weekes: You're welcome.
Chris: By the way, I'm Drew and this is my brother, Chris.
Old Man Willie: Hi, I'm Willie O'Ree. Pleasure.
Drew: [gasps] Nice to meet you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] When Willie scored three goals they didn't call it the hat trick. They call it the Black trick.

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