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Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates the Bachelor Pad

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Back at home, Tonya was trying to fake not freezing to death.
Tonya: [coughs] Daddy, I'm cold.
Julius: That means it's working. Here, keep this on your forehead. Rochelle, what does the thermometer say?
Rochelle: Two below zero. Julius, you're giving her the chills.
Julius: I can cure the chills. My mother had a home remedy for the chills.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It's called a blanket.
Rochelle: I tried your mother's chill remedy, and it gave me a rash.
Julius: Did you brew it overnight and strain it through an old tube sock?
Rochelle: No.
Julius: Well, that's why. If you let me I make it the right way, then she'll feel as good as new.
Rochelle: What's that for?
Julius: So I can come back and get this food before it thaws out. I'm going to make the remedy. [coughing]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] A little butter and onions and Tonya would make a nice side dish.

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