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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Mr. Levine

Mr. Levine: All right, put your hands down.
Chris: I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to break into your house. The door was open, I was just trying to get off the street.
Mr. Levine: Don't you know better than to be outside in a blackout? You don't remember what happened here in 1977?
Chris: You've been around here that long?
Mr. Levine: Lived here all my life. Sixty years.
Chris: Wow, you're probably like the last White guy in the neighborhood.
Mr. Levine: Probably am.
Chris: Did a lot of White people used to live around here?
Mr. Levine: "A lot" of White people? It was all White people.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It was a whiteout.

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