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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Doc

Chris: Doc didn't do anything. It was me. I lied.
Stacy: Chris, don't you see how he's using a child to make excuses for him?
Chris: He's not. The truth is, Stacy, I don't like you, and I didn't like how hard you were making me work. I was trying to get rid of you. Trying to break you and Doc up.
Stacy: What?! Why wouldn't you like me?
Chris: You're making me clean your house!
Stacy: You missed a spot.
Chris: See?
Stacy: Chris, everybody likes me.
Chris: No. Nobody likes you. Except for Doc and Drew, and Drew doesn't count. He just likes pie.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] How's that for honest? Now she's gonna burn your house down.

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