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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates the BFD

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While I was hurting for cash, my mother was in pain.
Nurse: So the chart says you got pain in your shoulder. How did you do this?
Rochelle: I was reaching for something and I must've overextended.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's one way of putting it.
[flashback to Rochelle holding a belt behind a bent-over Drew:]
Rochelle: Boy, didn't I tell you about throwing that ball?!
Drew: Mama, I didn't mean to break it, I'm sorry.
Rochelle: Oh, your behind gonna be sorry. [cracking] Ow! Ow!
Nurse: Went too far back on the wind-up, didn't you?
Rochelle: Yeah! You know that boy broke a $60 lamp when I told him do not throw a ball in the house.

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