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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Minimum Wage

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While a team of people worked on my mother's hair, I did the work of a team.
Mr. Fong: He who sleeps at work wakes up with a foot in the ass.
Chris: I wasn't sleeping. I was breathing.
Mr. Fong: Well, breathe while you work.
Chris: Mr. Fong, can I ask you a question?
Mr. Fong: All talk and no work makes Chris unemployed.
Chris: Well, I embarrassed my friend Greg in front of a girl, and now he won't talk to me. What should I do?
Mr. Fong: Here. [hands Chris a fortune cookie]
Chris: "Get back to work."
Mr. Fong: Now, hand out these delivery menus.

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