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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Hall Monitors

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Little did my mother know, somewhere across town, this was happening.
Charmaine: Then Rochelle had the nerve to tell me, "Charmaine, when it comes to makeup, less is more."
Husband: Less is more?
Charmaine: And she had the nerve to answer my phone, and you know don't nobody answer my phone but me.
Husband: She answers your phone?
Charmaine: And now my typewriter ribbon is missing. I know Rochelle got my ribbon. I can't prove it, but I know she got it.
Husband: She talked about your makeup, answers your phone and stole your typewriter ribbon?
Charmaine: Mmm-hmm.
Husband: I told you that woman was crazy.

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