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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Playboy

Chris: That's it then.
Greg: Every day she goes to lunch in the teachers' lounge after fifth period.
Chris: She smokes exactly three cigarettes, which takes 20 minutes.
Greg: All we have to do is get in, find the magazine, and get out before she gets back. Except we don't know where the magazine is.
Chris: Fischer told me it was in the bottom left-hand drawer of her desk. I hope he's right.
Greg: Don't worry, Fischer knows everything. What if we get caught?
Chris: Then we're dead.
Greg: I was really hoping you weren't gonna say that.
Chris: Don't worry. I'll go in and get it. It's my magazine. All you have to do is look out and give me a signal if you see anybody coming.
Greg: I hope this works.
Chris: Me, too.

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