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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Earth Day

Rochelle: [to herself] See? Oh, this is what I'm talking about. I tried to be nice and this is the thanks I get. Yeah, I try not to be rude and belligerent. If I wasn't, nothing would get done around here. But that's okay. Oh, okay, I guess I'm supposed to clean this up too? Oh, no, no, no problem, Mr. Potato. I'll clean you up. I have nothing else better to do. No, please, you sit right there. I'll be back. No, really, stay! No, it's okay. It's okay because...
[Rochelle walks into the kitchen and finds the sink full of dirty dishes]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Uh-oh.
Rochelle: Now that is just nasty.

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