Quote from Drew in Everybody Hates the Buddy System
Julius: I'm really proud of you for getting 100 on that test, so here you go. Drew: Yeah! Wow. Julius: Huh? What do you think? Adult Chris: [v.o.] Drew thought about saying this... [fantasy:] Drew: Gritsky? It's not Gritsky. It's Gretzky with an "E"! I scored 100 on my spelling test. I can't wear this! You got that big old head, and you can't even spell Gretzky. [scoffs] Maybe you should take my spelling classes. I ain't wearing this. Adult Chris: [v.o.] But if he did, here's what would've happened... [fantasy: Drew is carried out of the house on a stretcher:] Detective: What's the story? Police Officer: Apparently, the kid loves hockey. Father brings home a jersey that says Gritsky with an "I" instead of Gretzky with an "E." Son mouths off, dad loses it, shoves the jersey down the kid's throat. Detective: Is that the jersey? Police Officer: It's all we could find. Detective: Good thing he didn't ask for skates.