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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Food Stamps

Rochelle: So, uh, where's your shop?
Pam: Oh, it's right up the block.
Rochelle: Okay, okay.
Pam: You like you could use a touch up.
Rochelle: I sure can. Uh, um... When's your next appointment?
Sheila: Oh, no, no, she can take you now, can't you, Pam?
Pam: Yeah, I was just came to get some lunch, but you know, my next appointment isn't for another hour.
Sheila: See? There you go. Well, I'll see y'all later.
Rochelle: All right, girl.
Sheila: Hey, you see that lady selling food stamps, let me know. [all chuckle]
Rochelle: Will do. Take care. Looking good, girl. So where's your shop?
Pam: Girl, it's right up the street. Come on, I'll put you up right now.

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