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Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates Keisha

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Back at home, my father was thinking about something he wanted.
Julius: Hey, baby. [slaps the woman's behind] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Who are you?
Sheila: I'm Sheila. You must be Julius.
Julius: What are you doing in my bathroom?
Sheila: Um, Rochelle said...
Julius: Where's Rochelle?
Sheila: She's downstairs, I think-
Julius: Rochelle!
Sheila: I live next door.
Julius: Where?
Sheila: Next door.
Julius: I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to, um smack on your...
Sheila: No, it's okay.
Julius: I thought you were-
Sheila: No. Forget about it. It's all right.
Rochelle: What?
Julius: Why didn't you let me know there were people in here?
Rochelle: I'm sorry.
Sheila: Uh, nice meeting you, Julius.

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