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Quote from Aunt Sarah in Halloween

Erin: Mammy, do you remember you said we could get an advance on our birthday money, if we had a good enough reason?
Mary: I didn't say that.
Erin: Mmm-hmm. Orla.
Mary: [on tape] All right, all right, I suppose you could get an advance on your birthday money, if you had a good enough reason.
Orla: Busted.
Aunt Sarah: Jesus, but Home Alone 2 has a lot to answer for. They're flat out recording us on that thing, Mary. That time we were slagging off Deidre Mallon's pelmet, it's all on there.
Gerry: What's wrong with Deidre Mallon's pelmet?
Mary: It doesn't match her tie-backs, Gerry.

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