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Quote from James in Stranger on a Train

James: OK, he's still there. Doesn't seem to have noticed anything. So now we just need to decide who's going to actually, you know, make the switch.
All: You are.
James: I don't want to do it. I think Orla should do it.
Michelle: What a fucking gentleman.
James: Well, she's got those massive shoes on. It'll be easier for her to reach the rack.
[cut to James walking up the carriage wearing Orla's boots. As removes his bag from rack and places the man's bag up there, the train lurches and James falls into the man's lap:]
Jordy: What the hell are you doing with that?
James: It must have fell when the train started.
Jordy: Right. Nice boots.
James: Thank you very much.
Jordy: Now get the fuck off me.
James: Absolutely.

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