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Quote from Michelle in Stranger on a Train

Fra: Any drinks or snacks?
Orla: I'll have a Coke and a KitKat and...
Erin: I'll have a KitKat as well.
Michelle: Yeah, me too.
Fra: No KitKats, I'm afraid.
Erin: I can see the KitKats.
Fra: They're display KitKats.
James: Display KitKats?
Fra: They're display only. I don't have any in the drawers.
Erin: Well, can we buy the display KitKats?
Fra: No.
Michelle: Why the fuck not?
Fra: Because if I don't have them on display, how will people know they're available?
James: They're not available.
Fra: Well, this is what I'm saying.
Michelle: I'm really fucking confused, lads.

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