Frasier Quote #191

Quote from Frasier in Cheers: The Motion Picture

[on film:]
Woody: Finally I want you to meet my good friend, Dr. Frasier Crane. Now, I know what you always said about psychiatrists, Dad, but, uh, he's not a crook or a nut case or anything. He's a pretty smart guy. Well, here you go, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: Thank you, Woody. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, in Woody, you have raised a young man of singular character, not easily swayed by the attitudes of those around him. Trust him. Trust yourselves. Let him do what he wants to with his life. Now, let me address some of your reservations about the psychiatric profession. In this building, you see 18 floors of highly trained, dedicated professionals, whose sole purpose is to heal the mind.
And, you know, I think my mentor...
[on film, a man is shown falling past Frasier's office window. In the bar:]
Frasier: Norm, Norm, could you run that back for me, please? [film replays] You know, I think my mentor I've gotta tell Dr. Judd to keep his windows closed during his depression seminar.


 ‘Cheers: The Motion Picture’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

[on film:]
Woody: You don't have to worry about me going hungry if I stay here in Boston. This town is famous for its finer health food restaurants. Hi. And the best of them all is the Hungry Heifer.
Norm: That's right, Woody.
Woody: I found out about this place through a guy who's helped me plan my life here in Boston, a good friend and my financial advisor, Mr. Norm Peterson.
Norm: Hi. Are you hungry?
[As Norm enters the restaurant:]
All: Norm!

Quote from Norm

[on film:]
Corinne: What can I get you, Norm?
Norm: The, uh, Feeding Frenzy Special for two.
Corinne: How about you, honey?
Woody: Well, I think he was ordering for both of us.
Norm: No. No.
Woody: Oh, well, give me just one.
Corinne: Anything for you, Sam? [the camera shakes side to side] Smart move.

Quote from Woody

Woody: Well, I guess this is good-bye, then.
Cliff: I just can't believe you're leaving us, Woody.
Diane: Are you sure my film had no effect on your father?
Sam: Oh, come on, face it. All that weird stuff wouldn't mean anything to a guy like Mr. Boyd.
Woody: Yeah. Besides, he thought it was too derivative of Godard.