Norm Quote #164

Quote from Norm in Snow Job

Norm: So the camel says, "You get your own date." Evening, everybody.
All: Norm!
Diane: Norman.
Coach: What's shaking, Norm?
Norm: All four cheeks and a couple of chins, Coach.


 ‘Snow Job’ Quotes

Quote from Coach

Carla: That was Ann Marie's teacher. Said she's gonna have to hold her back.
Diane: Oh, that's too bad, Carla.
Coach: Oh, don't worry about it, Carla. It's just as bad to skip a grade.
Carla: You skipped a grade, Coach?
Coach: I skipped four. High school, I think they called it.

Quote from Coach

Sam: Okay, well, I got to skedaddle. I got a funeral waiting for me.
Coach: Don't we all?

Quote from Cliff

Carla: So what's your problem, droopy drawers? You've been moping around here all night like a senior high-school girl who just broke up with her steady.
Cliff: Moping, Carla? I'm not moping. I'm just spending a little quiet time by myself. That's what a man is. Solitary, strong, independent. Ever hear of the lone wolf, Carla? The lone wolf, c'est moi. A man alone needing no one. I touch no one and no one touches me. I'm a rock. I'm an island.