Diane Quote #196

Quote from Diane in Affairs of the Heart

Diane: I wonder if we're too late.
Sam: Well, there's only one way to find out.
Diane: No, no, Sam. Well, we can't just burst in on them. That's a gaucherie. Besides, we might actually see them.
Sam: Well, what were we planning to do?
Diane: Well, let's make loud noises to draw their attention. [Sam and Diane clear their throats]
Sam: Fire!
Diane: No, Sam. You'll startle him.
Sam: Oh, my God. I hope I didn't blow it.
Diane: Sam, that's so disgusting. Can you hear anything?
Sam: Not a thing.
Diane: Isn't that funny. I thought Carla would be the type to make noises.


 ‘Affairs of the Heart’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Sam: Hey, come on. It's only a quarter.
Norm: Only a quarter? That's easy for you to say. Maybe this will change your tune.
Coach: Sam, watch it. He's going for his gun.
Norm: It's my calculator, Coach. I'm going to have to figure out how much I can drink and still stay within my suds allowance. Hmm.
Sam: What have you got?
Norm: I'm going to have to cut back 8.7%. Comes out to one beer every half hour. I'm going to have to drink a little more slowly. [Norm downs a beer] Slowing down isn't so bad.

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Diane: Norman.
Coach: How's life, Norm?
Norm: Ask a man who's got one. [Coach serves him a beer] Ah, here's mine now.

Quote from Carla

Carla: The only thing I'm scared of is if I go to bed with him he's gonna be so crazed with desire I'll never get rid of him.
Sam: Ah, Carla, that's not what you're afraid of. You're afraid that you're going to fall for this guy.
Carla: No, I'm not going to fall for this guy. I've already fallen for this guy.
Sam: Ah-ha. And now you're afraid he's going to turn into a jerk?
Carla: No, smart guy. He's already a jerk.
Sam: Why's he a jerk?
Carla: Because he's dishonest.
Sam: Why is he dishonest?
Carla: Because he's hiding the fact that he's a jerk.