Carla Quote #906

Quote from Carla in Finally! (Part 1)

Woody: Hey, where did everybody go?
Carla: Rebecca took some of the guys out to dinner.
Woody: Oh, great. They're all off at dinner having a good time, and I'm stuck here with my Little Wally burger. Oh, no. They screwed my order up again. Last time, they forgot the tomato. This time, they forgot the tomato, lettuce, hamburger, and the bun. Oh, so what have I got? Nothing.
[As Woody walks away, Carla eats his burger]


 ‘Finally! (Part 1)’ Quotes

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Sam?
Sam: Yeah.
Rebecca: What's the matter? Something wrong? Are you disappointed?
Sam: Why would I be disappointed?
Rebecca: Well, I guess I kind of thought you wanted me.
Sam: What would give you that idea?
Rebecca: I don't know. A guy hits on you every day for 3 or 4 years, you kind of start to trust it.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Man, you are going to ruin everything.
Sam: What ruin? It's gonna save you from having to come up with another excuse not to go to bed with the guy.
Rebecca: What makes you think I'm not gonna go to bed with the guy?
Sam: Well, honey, you know, you see the sun come up every morning for 30, 40 years, after a while, you start to trust it.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Can I help you?
Bill Medley: Yeah, Rebecca Howe?
Rebecca: Me.
Bill Medley: Rebecca, this is from Robin Colcord. [sings] You never close your eyes anymore...
Rebecca: [drops to her knees] Oh, my gosh! It's Bill Medley from the Righteous Brothers. I mean, I knew Robin knew him. And I hoped that one day I would meet him. But I never knew he'd fly him all the way to Boston to sing this song to me. It's Bill Medley. Bill Medley!
Bill Medley: Excuse me. Excuse me. Would you knock it off? Somebody in the bar might want to hear this. [sings] You've lost that lovin' feelin'...