Sam Quote #835

Quote from Sam in A House Is Not a Home

Bert Miller: Well, of course, we know we're supposed to be out of here by now, but, well, we forgot a few odds and ends, you know? And, uh, well, we just wanted to take a last look. Well, you know, when you've lived in a house for 40 years, taking that last step out the door, well, it- it- it's pretty hard.
Diane: Of course.
Lillian Miller: I confess, I touched liquor this morning.
Bert Miller: Oh, tha- That's all right, my girl.
Lillian Miller: But you look like a fine couple. I'm glad the house is going to you.
Diane: Thank you.
Sam: Oh, yeah, yeah, we plan to do great things in it - with it, with it.


 ‘A House Is Not a Home’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, how's life?
Norm: Oh, the plot's okay, Woody, but it kind of falls apart at the end.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Oh, uh, l, uh, hate to be a buttinsky here, but, uh, this is the absolute worst time to buy a house.
Sam: Why is that?
Cliff: Ah, seller's market. Unless you run into that, uh, rare breed, you know, the motivated seller. Now, you know, for a price, I could put you in a sweet little, uh, three-bed, two-bath number. Uh, it's got, uh, fishnetting over the patio and a handmade, uh, uh, lava rock fire pit in the back.
Norm: Cliffie, uh, that sounds a little bit like your house.
Cliff: It is my house, Norm.
Norm: Wait, wait, wait now. You said your mother was going to live there till the day she died.
Cliff: Well, uh, she's clean, and she doesn't eat much.

Quote from Norm

Diane: Sam, please. Just come with me and take a look at it.
Sam: I'm not- l'm not ready to own a home. It's a you- You got to work up to that.
Norm: Sammy's right. It's a big responsibility. You got, uh, lawns to mow. You got plumbing to fix. You got gutters to clean. Then, you know, every couple of years, you got to paint the entire thing from top to bottom. Honestly, I don't know where Vera gets the energy sometimes.
Frasier: Norm, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Norm: Yeah, I guess I should, shouldn't l? You know, thank God I'm not, huh?