Diane Quote #704

Quote from Diane in Cheers: The Motion Picture

Diane: May I say something?
Sam: Go ahead, go ahead. Tell me how right you were. Get it over with.
Diane: On the contrary, I was about to say that I don't think any of these people realize what a fine job you did.
Sam: Oh, right.
Diane: No, I mean that. What you have here is the raw material for a truly fine film.
Norm: Well, thank you.
Diane: The problem is entirely with its structure. It's too linear.
Norm: Yeah, that was gnawing at me, too.
Diane: We need to make a film that appeals to the emotions, not the intellect. If you'll allow me, I can transform your film into a shattering emotional experience.
Sam: What are you gonna do to it?
Diane: Oh, a snip here, a snip there, nothing much.


 ‘Cheers: The Motion Picture’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

[on film:]
Woody: You don't have to worry about me going hungry if I stay here in Boston. This town is famous for its finer health food restaurants. Hi. And the best of them all is the Hungry Heifer.
Norm: That's right, Woody.
Woody: I found out about this place through a guy who's helped me plan my life here in Boston, a good friend and my financial advisor, Mr. Norm Peterson.
Norm: Hi. Are you hungry?
[As Norm enters the restaurant:]
All: Norm!

Quote from Norm

[on film:]
Corinne: What can I get you, Norm?
Norm: The, uh, Feeding Frenzy Special for two.
Corinne: How about you, honey?
Woody: Well, I think he was ordering for both of us.
Norm: No. No.
Woody: Oh, well, give me just one.
Corinne: Anything for you, Sam? [the camera shakes side to side] Smart move.

Quote from Woody

Woody: Well, I guess this is good-bye, then.
Cliff: I just can't believe you're leaving us, Woody.
Diane: Are you sure my film had no effect on your father?
Sam: Oh, come on, face it. All that weird stuff wouldn't mean anything to a guy like Mr. Boyd.
Woody: Yeah. Besides, he thought it was too derivative of Godard.