Sam Quote #222

Quote from Sam in Old Flames

Sam: Do you believe that? I mean, that's ridiculous.
Diane: Sam, he can give us 24 hours, 24 days, 24 years. We have transcended time.
Sam: Right, right, but right now the important thing is the next 24 hours. Now, just to be on the safe side here, why don't we even get into a heated discussion today.
Diane: Sure. That's easy.
Sam: Oh, good. I hope so. The truth is, we have never gone 24 hours without a fight.
Diane: We most certainly have.
Sam: No, we haven't.
Diane: Sam Malone!
Sam: No, you're right. The important thing here now is just no arguing, no fighting, no break-up.
Diane: I couldn't agree more. [they shake hands]


 ‘Old Flames’ Quotes

Quote from Coach

Carla: You know, Coach, every night you walk out of here and forget your keys. Have you got them this time?
Coach: It's OK, Carla. I got it all figured out. I left them in the car.
Carla: Aren't you afraid somebody's gonna steal it?
Coach: I locked the doors.
Carla: How are you going to get in without your keys?
Coach: I made a duplicate set.
Carla: Well, where are they, Coach?
Coach: Holy mackerel! Sam. [Sam hands him his keys] Carla, we've really got to make a scramble. Looks like rain. Come on. I left the windows open.

Quote from Coach

Sam: I don't know. Maybe me and Diane being together just doesn't make any sense.
Coach: Uh, love, Sam. Who can explain it? Fools have tried.
Sam: Yeah, you're right, Coach.
Coach: I've got this theory...

Quote from Norm

Norm: Arlene Horsley. Yeah, she's a typist at that firm I got fired from. I gave her a slice of my pizza one day during a coffee break, and things kind of took off from there. Anyway, we caught a little movie this afternoon.
Coach: What was playing?
Norm: I finally got around to seeing Gandhi, Coach.
Cliff: Whoa. Gandhi. A fine piece of cinematic art there.
Norm: Well, I'm out of here.
Carla: Where are you going?
Norm: I gotta get back before Arlene starts to me.
Carla: Where is she?
Norm: She's watching Gandhi. I'm just out for popcorn. I'll see you in an hour when I go out for jujubes.