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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar

‘It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar’

Season 11, Episode 14 - Aired January 21, 1993

Robin Colcord (Roger Rees) returns to Cheers a destitute man and claims to be happier for it. While Rebecca hopes Robin will take her back and reveal that he's still wealthy, the gang at Cheers tear the bar apart looking for a money belt.

Quote from Norm

Cliff: Say, uh, Normie, does Sammy get half of what we find or, uh, half of what we claim to find?
Norm: Oh, what we claim to find. After all, the guy's not a mind reader.
Cliff: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, uh, we find something that's got, say, $6 million in it, we only give him $3 million.
Norm: Yeah. We call it a finder's fee, shall we?
Cliff: Oh, my man.
Norm: Yeah.
Carla: [to Frasier] Let's just call it a finder's fee, shall we?


Quote from Rebecca

Robin: You know you're wonderful. You know, you really are a lovely woman, Rebecca.
Rebecca: And, Robin, you are the most handsome, charming, sophisticated man I've ever met.
Robin: Well, thank you. Uh, now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and wash out my underwear in the bathroom sink for tomorrow.
Rebecca: Robin?
Robin: [o.s.] Uh-huh?
Rebecca: You didn't by any chance hide one of those money belts over here, ever, did you?
Robin: [o.s.] Hah. Well, I mean, if I did, you-you'd be sure to have found it by now. I mean, you have cleaned up in the past two years, haven't you? [laughs]
Rebecca: Of course I have. [to herself] Be cool. Be cool.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Robin, do you ever think about us?
Robin: Well, I have to admit, Rebecca, yes. Sometimes I do.
Rebecca: I have to tell you that since we broke up a day has not gone by that I haven't regretted it. It- It was the biggest mistake of my life.
Robin: Do you really feel that way?
Rebecca: Yeah, I do. Robin, take me back. Please? I want to be with you. And I know you don't have any money, and that's fine. Let's just go around the world together. I don't want to have any material things. I'll just... I'll just pack a bag of some, a few meagre things, and some makeup essentials and... And then we'll travel around together.
Robin: You'd really give up everything for me?
Rebecca: Oh, yeah. You bet your booty I would. I wouldn't make that mistake twice.
Robin: Rebecca, I'd love to have you share my journeys with me.
Rebecca: Robin.

Quote from Sam

Frasier: Well, I suppose we should try to clean up this mess and put all that nonsense behind us.
Sam: Well, I suppose we all learned something, huh? No harm came of it, though, I guess. You know a few things got broken, but no one really got hurt.
Fire Marshal Dobbins: [o.s.] [screams] That's hot!

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Robin, you are so good. What are we really waiting for, a limo?

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