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Quote from Carla in My Son, the Father

Carla: Oh, oh, Becs, there you are. They just called for you. Apparently, there's been a horrible fire at your apartment.
Rebecca: Oh, right, Carla, you've been trying to get to me all day long. Just knock it off. It's not even funny anymore.
Carla: I'm being totally serious. I know this is the worst time for you to hear this kind of news from me. I know you don't believe me, but, really, I'm telling the truth. I wouldn't joke about something like that.
Rebecca: You're serious about this, aren't you?
Carla: Yeah, I am, Becs. I'm sorry.
Rebecca: Oh, my God! Everything I own. It's gone! Oh, dear! Woody, cover for me, please. I got to go out.
Woody: [crying] I'm too upset, Miss Howe. I just found out my whole apartment building burned down. [Carla laughs maniacally]
Rebecca: This is sick!
Carla: Yeah, but it's funny.
Rebecca: Carla, you have, you have to stop this now.
Carla: Or what? God'll smite me with his sword? He gets it halfway out, an angel taps him on his shoulder and says, "Hold it, her kid's a priest." God just stands there fuming.

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